Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Government Is Spying On ALL Americans' Digital and Old ...

Posted on July 12, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog

On Friday, June 7, the Wood County Commissioners Court unanimously approved a resolution to Protect the Second Amendment.

The measure affirms the right to keep and bear arms and calls on the state legislature to take steps protecting the Second Amendment. It also urges noncompliance with federal efforts to violate the Constitution.

Resolved that all agencies of the County of Wood County, Texas are instructed to refuse requests or directives by federal agencies acting under unconstitutional powers enumerated in Section 2 above that would infringe upon our residents? second, ninth, and tenth amendment rights, or other inalienable rights not here explicitly enumerated.

The resolution even addresses the supremacy clause issue.

Section 2. All federal acts, laws, executive orders, agency orders, and rules or regulations of all kinds with the purpose, intent, or effect of confiscating any firearm, banning any firearm, limiting the size of a magazine for any firearm, imposing any limit on the ammunition that may be purchased for any firearm, taxing any firearm or ammunition therefore, or requiring the registration of any firearm or ammunition therefore, infringes upon Texans? right to bear arms in direct violation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and therefore, any such law is not made in pursuance of the Constitution, is not authorized by the Constitution, and thus, is not the supreme law of the land, and consequently, is invalid in the State of Texas and shall be further considered null and void and of no effect in this County.

You can read the entire resolution here [PDF].

The resolution isn?t binding, but it is a great first step. Residents now need to seize the momentum and work to pass legally binding ordinances in their city or town of Alba, Hawkins, Mineola, Quitman, Winnsboro, Yantis, and Crow.? And other municipalities in Texas need to follow the lead and do the same.

These measures will not only provide ?practical protections for citizens, they will send a strong message and put the pressure on lawmakers to nullify unconstitutional federal gun laws at the state level in the next legislative session. And if enough localities throw roadblocks in the way of these unconstitutional acts, it will make them ?nearly impossible to enforce? as Judge Napolitano has said.

Local governments won?t act without citizen input and grassroots pressure. The good news is a few dedicated individuals can make a difference at the local level.

via The Government Is Spying On ALL Americans? Digital and Old-Fashioned Communications | Washington?s Blog.


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