Vermont Air National Guard returns from medical trip to Africa
Capt. Jason Galipeau is happy to be back on U.S. soil with his two children and wife after a two-week long deployment overseas.
"I'm going to take a long hot shower and a swim in the pool," said Galipeau.
He and 31 other members of the Vermont Air National Guard just returned from West Africa where they served on a special project called "Western Accord 2012." The Guard worked in tandem with forces from Senegal, Gambia and other West African nations. It was the first mission of its kind, and an honor for the Green Mountain Boys.
"No other Guard unit has had the opportunity to participate in the multi-nation exercise on the African continent," said Galipeau.
Members hit the ground in the city of Thies, Senegal, mainly to provide civilians with medical care. A group of doctors, nurses and physicians' assistants treated approximately 2,000 people in less than a week.
"Difficult conditions, something we're not familiar with working with," said Lt. Col. Richard Lamb, describing the physical aspects of the trip. "The important part was that we were able to provide care to a people that really needed it."
The Sengalese lined up to be treated for something as simple as a toothache to as serious as diseases U.S. medics have only seen in a textbook.
"Patients that showed up with malaria, our docs got valuable knowledge on the symptoms and diagnosis of malaria, which they would not get in Vermont," said Galipeau.
The Guard hauled more than $100,000 in medications to Senegal. They hope the knowledge they imparted -- and left-over meds -- will leave the Sengalese with improved health and good memories.
Members said it makes it even easier to appreciate life in the United States.
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