Saturday, December 1, 2012

How To Detect Ovulation ? Useful Ways In Detecting Ovulation

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Useful Ways In Detecting Ovulation Ovulation can be an opportune time for getting pregnant. It is likely to improve your changes of conception. During ovulation, the female egg releases from the ovary and can undergo fertilization with male sperm. Although ovulation may not appear obviously, there are indicators which can help you in detecting ovulation. These can help in detecting ovulation and getting the most out of the opportune time.

The Significance of Detecting Ovulation

Having sex around ovulation time can increase the possibilities of conception. So if you are trying to get pregnant, knowing the accurate time of conceiving can help. On the contrary, skipping the time of ovulation may reduce the chances of conception. This can help when you do not want to conceive; however, it is not a full proof contraceptive method owing to the tricky process undergoing inside your body.

A mistake in detecting ovulation is not out of ordinary and the exactness of ovulation varies among women, or even can change with time.?Furthermore, the process of detecting ovulation involves a number of precautionary measures owing to its subtle nature. A slight deviation from the required process of detection can alter the result and serve an incorrect indicator.

Main Ways of Detecting Ovulation

The signs of ovulation can include the following three main things:

Observing the Secretions of the Vagina

Near ovulation, there can be an increase in the usual vaginal secretion. The secretion can also become thicker, like raw egg white as against the slippery one, and can stretch between fingers. The vaginal discharge can become cloudy or even disappear when ovulation has been over and chances of getting pregnant are reduced.

The mucus serves multiple purposes. During the apparently less fertile stage, the cervical mucus hinders sperm from entering the uterus. During the more fertile stage (near ovulation), the cervical mucus becomes protective and aids the sperm?s journey towards the egg. A 28-day cycle woman can have the 13th-15th days as the most fertile ones. Since every woman?s menstrual cycle can be different from the other, it is important to find your own ovulation signs and keep a record.


Although this method of detecting ovulation is considered one of the most precise among others, it is still not a definite sign of ovulation. Fertile mucus, like the thick raw egg white, can be found in women having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). For these women, the other method (BBT) may work in detecting ovulation.?Besides, medications like antihistamines can lead to drying up of the cervical mucus making it difficult to detect ovulation.

Observing the Basal Body Temperature

The basal body temperature (BBT), or the body?s temperature at rest, can also be tracked to detect ovulation. The body?s temperature is slightly increased during ovulation and can be tracked to arrive at the opportune conception time.

Useful Ways In Detecting Ovulation

A digital thermometer can be used to check temperature every morning. Continuous tracking of the BBT can indicate a pattern wherein you are possibly most fertile during the 2-3 days previous to raise in temperature.

Also Read

Understanding Ovulation and Getting Pregnant
5 Popular Methods to Predicting Ovulation
How to Find When You are Ovulating
Predicting Your Ovulation Dates Accurately


Although this is perhaps the most popular method of detecting ovulation, it has its limitations. This method is primarily an indicative of ovulation confirmation. A slight change, like movement before taking temperature (even leaving the bed), change in sleep patterns, etc. can alter the result.

Even sitting up may change body temperature and make results skewed. Furthermore, you should take the temperature at the exact same time every morning before you move. This method may essentially not work with every woman. Even if there is no noticeable sustained rise in temperature, it should not essentially indicate that no ovulation. Clubbing it with another method can be a better idea.

Ovulation Predictor Test Kit

Ovulation can be also detected through the over-the-counter ovulation kit. In this test, urine sample and the underlying hormonal changes can indicate ovulation. Urine is used in the test kit once a day for a week before your expected ovulation. The test strip has two lines; when the test line is darker than the control line, there is an indication of an LH surge.

Useful Ways In Detecting Ovulation

The same hormone which causes fertile cervical mucus leads to LH surge. This test can be used if the cervical mucus is dried up or BBT gives indefinite outcomes.


Besides being expensive, it is also not as simple as it appears to be. The LH surge can possibly be missed and, therefore, detecting ovulation can be difficult. More than one test kit may be needed if your ovulation is irregular or to establish a comprehensive outcome.


The above methods can be used to detect ovulation but cannot be considered full proof. Besides the above methods, there can be some more ways of detecting ovulation like abdominal cramps and cervical positioning. However, these better serve as indicators and cannot be assumed absolutely accurate.

Useful Ways In Detecting Ovulation, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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